PUC 2/25/22

Executive Summary Today’s Public Utility Commission meeting ended with a bang, as the commissioners 1) walked back their support for NPRR1092(Reduce RUC Offer floor and remove RUC Opt Out) and supported a full stakeholder process on that NPRR, and 2) Expressed concern that price formation has gotten weird as evinced by yesterday’s price spikes (even…

PRS 1/13/22

PRS 1/13/22

Executive Summary In today’s Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) meeting three protocol changes incited significant discussion and ERCOT proposed a new working group. Troy gave his usual update on project statuses, now with an implementation date of October 4th for FFR Advancement, which changes the ERCOT interface.  Three NPRRs caused some stir;  NPRR1112, which would eliminate…

WMS 4/6/22

WMS 4/6/22

Executive Summary Though the meeting was short (to make room in the schedule for the special PRS meeting later in the day), it was explosive, as WMS voted to keep the contentious outage approval NPRR(1108) tabled against the PUC’s express desires.  In other business the RUC market notice from Monday (4/4/22) was explained, NPRR1100(Tesla microgridding)…

PRS 4/6/22

PRS 4/6/22

Executive Summary In a special Protocol Revision Subcommittee meeting called specifically to meet the Public Utility Commission’s request to pass a version of NPRR1108(ERCOT to approve or deny all generator outage requests) the stakeholders voted to … table NPRR1108 for another month.  We will see ho that plays out downtown.  NPRR1124(pay full startup and min…

TWG 3/31/22

Executive Summary Speakers from ERCOT updated the current status of projects related to NPRR1093 (Load Resource Participation in Non-Spinning Reserve), NPRR863 (addressing both Fast-Frequency Response Advancement and Contingency Reserve Service changes), and PR353-01 (Battery Energy Storage Combo Model).  Strategies were discussed for keeping market participants in the loop on breaking technology changes.  A proposal for…

SAWG 4/4/22

Executive Summary The April SAWG had many interesting presentations; ERCOT (Calvin Opheim) gave a refresher on the Mid Term Load Forecasts, ERCOT (Dan Mantena) presented a new interactive dashboard that examines the completion rate of named CDR resources, ERCOT (Pete Warnken) talked about the planned changes for the SARA report (monthly frequency, probabilistic assessment, interactive…

PUC 3/31/22

Executive Summary This meeting was mostly focused on non-electric issues, but they did discuss a new project (yet to be fully scoped) that would standardize the distributed generation interconnection process. Notes Wholesale Market Design – Commissioner Glotfelty talked about his memo regarding the need to standardize distribution interconnection.  (The memo referenced Hunt Energy/Jupiter/Broad Reach’s comments…

TAC 3/30/22

Executive Summary The first in person TAC in over two years did not disappoint.  The intrigue started when Eric Blakey revealed the real reason he was withdrawing from consideration as TAC Vice-Chair (the ERCOT board is unhappy with his employer’s anti-ERCOT lawsuit).  The battery duration NPRR (NPRR1096) passed with a commitment by TAC to keep…

WMWG 3/25/22

Executive Summary Today’s Wholesale Market Working Group meeting was taken up almost entirely by NPRR1108(ERCOT to approve or deny all outages).  Generators as a group are very scared about what this will imply for their ability to schedule outages/outage crews.  Luminant has posted some comments that seem to present a fairly comprehensive set of concerns,…

CMWG 3/21/22

Executive Summary Another two topic CMWG meeting (like last month).  The first topic, nodal prices for load resources, got a lot of discussion regarding how netting would or wouldn’t be allowed for Controllable Load Resources co-located with Generation Resources.  This may be discussed at other meetings, as it is not purely a congestion issue.  The…