The Gist
NPRR1108 implements section 13(f) of Senate Bill 3 that states “The independent organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region shall review, coordinate, and approve or deny requests by providers of electric generation service described by Subsection (a) for a planned power outage during any season and for any period of time.” by creating a process for ERCOT to review and approve/deny all resource outage requests, even those submitted over 45 days ahead of time. As a part of the process ERCOT would publish a maximum number of allowed MWs out for a rolling sixty month ahead period.
Important Actions
- 11/9/21 ERCOT files NPRR.
- 12/17/21 Presentation at WMWG; much consternation about the maximum number of MW outage posting causing hoarding of outages.
- 2/24/22 ERCOT announces at WMWG that they have decided to do a single phase (all automatic) implementation rather than the two phase (manual for Spring 2022 outage season, then automatic) implementation because they missed the Spring 2022 outage season. Also, they will give twice daily updates on the available MWs for the rolling 60 month window.
- 3/7/22 Chairman Lake expresses dismay at ERCOT Board Meeting that this NPRR is taking so long to get approval. He instructs ERCOT CEO (Brad Jones) to implement this NPRR as if it had already passed and tells TAC Chair (Clif Lange) to make sure it is up for a vote at the April ERCOT Board meeting
- 4/6/22 PRS and WMS vote to keep the NPRR tabled(?!)
- 4/6/22 ERCOT appeals to TAC