SAWG 10/29/21

Executive Summary At today’s SAWG ERCOT decided that it will ask the PUC if it should do the 2022 Reserve Margin study (expecting PUC to say no), presented on how they are going to try to include distributed generation in future capacity (CDR) reports (they are, they weren’t before), gave a nice presentation of the…

WMWG 10/25/21

Executive Summary WMWG had an extremely full agenda.  ERCOT (Nitika Mago) presented more detail on the 2022 AS Methodology and also presented analysis on what an ERCOT duck curve might look like in a few years.  ERCOT (Carl Raisch) also presented on what price responsive behavior they’ve seen in load resources (they haven’t seen much). …

BOD 10/22/21

Executive Summary The first real meeting of the new independent Board of Directors.  At the beginning of each segment, the presenter did a good job of explaining what they are presenting in a tutorial manner.  The ERCOT CEO started with a warning that Monday’s conditions could be tight.  Chairman Lake, Commissioner McAdams and Commissioner Cobos…

CMG MCWG 10/20/21

Executive Summary Today’s Credit Working Group focused on NPRR1088 (making credit requirements reflect more recent activity), NPRR1067(Part of ERCOT’s response to the PJM Green Hat default) and one future NPRR related to default uplift methodology.   Notes NPRR1088 which would adjust the calculation of credit for market participants was discussed.  The original NPRR adjusted credit calculations…

CMWG 10/18/21

Executive Summary This was a very quick Congestion Management Working Group meeting.  Most of the time was taken up with a report on the RUC for congestion on 9/21/2021 (long story short, it was as much for capacity as for congestion, it just wasn’t reported correctly).  Methods for improving CRR models for far into the…

PRS 10/14/21

Executive Summary With most of the ERCOT world’s focus firmly on the PUC meeting, the PRS meeting was light today. NPRR1096 (6 hour requirement for ECRS and Non-Spin) was tabled for further discussion in sub-committees, as was NPRR1099 (giving ERCOT the ability to move resource node locations out of the distribution system for the 25-30…

WMS 10/6/21

Executive Summary The big issues at WMS were NPRR1092 (lowering of RUC offer floor) which remains tabled at WMS for further discussion at WMWG, thought there is much opposition lined up against it, and NPRR1088 (Adjusting collateral for traders), which remains at MCWG.  Also noteworthy is that Friday Nov 12th is the day of record…

CMWG 9/20/21

Executive Summary Two new NPRRs were proposed; one to require non-dispatchable (wind/solar) resources behind generic transmission constraints to follow base points when the constraint is close to binding, and the other to allow ERCOT to move the location of Resource Nodes in the model when the point of interconnection changes.  Both seemed reasonable. ERCOT presented…

TAC 9/29/21

Executive Summary The most contentious and important topic of discussion in today’s TAC was NPRR 1093 (and two associated OBDRRs, 032 and 033).  These rule changes enable relay controlled loads to supply Non Spin reserves.  Some generators and co-ops were against it based on what they described as fairness issues, but seemed to be mostly…

WMWG 1/28/22

WMWG 1/28/22

Executive Summary A long WMS meeting covered topics important to generators (NPRR1084- require outages for derates; NPRR1108- ERCOT to approve or deny all resource outages, possible RMR of resource owned transmission equipment), batteries (NPRR1100-Allow emergency microgridding, NPRR1096-battery duration for NonSpin and ECRS) and everyone connected to the grid (how do exceptional fuel costs affect mitigation,…