Executive Summary
With most of the ERCOT world’s focus firmly on the PUC meeting, the PRS meeting was light today. NPRR1096 (6 hour requirement for ECRS and Non-Spin) was tabled for further discussion in sub-committees, as was NPRR1099 (giving ERCOT the ability to move resource node locations out of the distribution system for the 25-30 resource nodes that are currently located there).
- There is a lot of heartache about NPRR1099 and the possible movement of Resource Node locations, but moving a Resource Node from the distribution system up to the transmission system point of interconnect should not affect its valuation.
- The 6 hour requirement for ECRS and Non-Spin is different than the 4 hour requirement being talked about at the commission
- NPRR1095 (Texas SET V5.0 changes) was approved
- NPRR1098 (DC Tie Reactive requirements) was passed
- There will be a workshop led by Tesla on NPRR1100 (Emergency switching solutions for energy storage resources)