Seasonal Assessment of Supply Adequacy (SARA) - CIMView

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Seasonal Assessment of Supply Adequacy (SARA)

Table of Contents

The Gist

ERCOT produces the SARA four times a year and publishes it on the website.  The SARA report is similar to the CDR in that it  provides a resource by resource account of expected capacity over the peak for the upcoming years and a ‘bottom line’ planning reserve margin, but it differs in that it is just for a single upcoming season and it includes multiple scenarios.

Important Actions

  • 1/27/22 Commissioner McAdams states in an open meeting that there will be a project opened to take input on how the CDR and SARA should be improved.  Commissioner McAdams feels it should better reflect load shed risk, Commissioner Glotfelty feels it should be easier to read.


ERCOT Resource Adequacy page (home of the current and historical SARAs)

Meeting Notes

1/27/22 PUC Open Meeting

10/29/21 SAWG


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