Monthly Battery Revenue in ERCOT - CIMView

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Monthly Battery Revenue in ERCOT

The Gist

Batteries make the lion’s share of their revenue from Ancillary Services, but the portion of revenue from energy is growing noticeably.

Using our revenue tracking software we estimated the energy and AS revenue of the ERCOT battery fleet from 7/7/21 to 10/7/23.

The results are summarized  in the graph below:

The Accuracy

In this analysis there are three sources of inaccuracy:

  • Each published SCED interval result is assumed to last 15 minutes.  This is a simplifying assumption and will result in some inaccuracy in the results.   
  • Energy revenue/cost that results from RegUp and RegDown deployments is not accounted for in this analysis
  • In 2022 January through September excluding July the battery fleet actually lost money on energy (small amounts, the worst was 5% in June).  Due to the difficulties of expressing negative numbers in a stacked bar chart, we chose to just display those months as 100% Ancillary Service.  


Using ERCOT published results we calculated Energy and Ancillary Service costs and revenues for every 15 minute published SCED run from 7/7/21 to 10/7/23 (thus in the figure above 7_2021 and 10_2023 are incomplete months).  We then aggregated them by month.


Detailed results (including a resource by resource, interval by interval dataset) are available on request and will also soon be available commercially.


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