NPRR1126 Default Uplift Methodology - CIMView

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NPRR1126 Default Uplift Methodology

Table of Contents

The Gist

Currently ERCOT uplifts defaults to all market participants based on total MWh market activity share.  In practice this tends to send most default uplift (charges) to CRR Account Holders.  There is currently a proposal in the Credit Working Group to multiply all CRR MWh by a scalar (something less than 1) so the uplift would be less based on the total CRR MWh. 

Important Actions

  • 1/19/22 Draft unnumbered NPRR shared by DC Energy (Seth Cochran) at CWG
  • 2/16/22 DC Energy abandons effort to change to a “PJM-like” methodology, switches to reducing the impact of CRR MWhs in the ratio share calculation by a (TBD) scalar factor.



Meeting Notes

3/14/22 CWG MCWG

2/16/22 CWG MCWG

1/19/21 CWG MCWG

10/20/21 CWG MCWG

10/6/21 WMS


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